There’s more Canon to love.
At Will’s first camp performance this summer, I brought our video camera to record the class song. The camera was bought new in November 2003, the week before Will was born. While sitting in the audience waiting for the class to file in, a grade-school age boy turned around, saw the recorder in my hand, and exclaimed, “What is THAT??”
“It’s a video camera,” I explained straightford.
“REALLY?” he said, “But it’s SO HUGE!”
Point taken, the Hi8 tape thing was getting old. Mastering video and all that nonsense is a pain. But I’m addicted to photography, not videography, and have done my best to try to put all responsibility in that second category to Paul.
Who has came through.
On Monday, a surprise arrived in the mail. With a big family event coming up in the next few weeks, Paul recognized the importance and wanted us to be prepared. So he took it upon himself to research and buy a great new camera… completely surprising me.  We used it for the first time yesterday and tonight and here is one of our first videos. Importing it into IMovie and Sharing it to YouTube could not have been easier!
Oh, and the kids got haircuts today. Although it’s not an issue that will keep me up at night, I do think it’s interesting that there is some debate about the gender-specificity of Kate’s haircut. Will said “she looked like a boy,” and thought it hysterical when I showed him a picture of me with my super-short Suzanne Powter haircut (cute cut, but not enough product in the world to hold my fine hair). As for Kate, I think she looks adorable anytime we get to see her eyebrows. But I am curious to others’ impressions? And if you find it unattractive, are there suggestions on how else I could cut her super-straight hair?