Sans Mullet. Almost
When I poured water over her head last night to wet her hair in the bathtub, I noticed that Kate was really overdue for a trim. As in, her bangs were actually getting caught in her eyelashes. What kind of mother would I be to allow my daughter’s eyes to sustain an injury from the uncooperative hair I am guilty of giving her? I grabbed the scissors.
My caveat here is that I do this often. Yes, in part it’s that I’m being cheap to save money because Kate’s hair is so very, very straight that she needs her bangs trimmed more than once a month. And in part it’s because finding the time to get her hair cut is a tremendous challenge. I’m not great at it, but considering the circumstances of my grade-school issue scissors, the bathtub location, and the moving head of my child, I figure I do okay.
And then last night.
Oof. The mullet with uneven bangs, choppy ends everywhere and even a strand in the back of her head chopped a completely different length (must’ve gotten mixed up with another part of hair). It was bad.
This afternoon I took Kate with me to the mega-mart to stock up on beach food (we’re going to the beach this weekend with friends… 3 room condo, 6 adults, 7 kids). I realized that a lot of pictures would happen this weekend and cringed. I was desperate. So I took her into the family haircut station in the mega-mart…
… where I told them her older brother had cut her hair and asked if they could help me fix it.
Yup. I tossed my first born (who knows better than to even THINK about cutting his sister’s hair, sohelpmegod) under the bus.

I guess I could argue I had to. I mean, it was BAD. How bad?
When the hair stylist started, she asked me if I wanted, “to keep the mullet look.”

First, there is only one answer to that question. So if someone is asking you to clarify your mullet intents on your 3-year old daughter, it sounds more like an assessment of child endangerment than personal preference.
So the kind Mz Connie cleaned up Kate the best that she could. Her bangs are still uneven (much shorter on Kate’s right side) and very choppy. (Shown below.) She took a good 2 inches off the back to help stop the mullet. Now she’s working an almost bowl cut.

As for me?
Well, I guess I totally deserved it when we finished the cut and Kate peed all over the floor in the middle of the sunscreen isle.