It’s not sanded, stained, or poly-ed, but it’s exterior has been successfully removed, much faster as had been gloomly estimated earlier. The change in tune, according to Paul, is due to a “breakthrough” in the development of a new “technique” that he’s very proud of… you’ll have to ask him for details, as my intrepretation of the technique is leaving the stripper on the wood for a few minutes before trying to pry it up. Technique-Shmecknique, he’s done a great job and I can’t wait to see what the door will finally look like once it’s cleaned, sanded, stained, and has those oh-so-important coats of poly. These days, I’m either strapped to a chair or a kid, so I don’t know how much of this endeavour I’ll enjoy first-hand. But it is so exciting to know it is getting done!
{ 2005 08 09 }
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