Is it normal for a 6-year old boy to just be, I don’t know… off? For like, weeks?
Will, the boy who has never in recorded history sat with both bum cheeks touching the same chair at the same time, is worn out. At least, we think. This conversation about Will’s health has been going on since late May. Granted, he WAS sick, for sure, about two weeks ago. Lost his voice. Had a fever. Stayed home for two very inconvenient days, where he was oddly sweet and slept a lot. He didn’t even whine, which made me wonder whether last rites were necessary. No whining? Let’s be clear: I didn’t take him to the doctor because he had a fever and mysteriously lost his voice. No whining and I’m searching for a pulse.
So he’s been hot, it seems, quite a lot. And tired. But I figure it’s summer and he is probably dehydrated all the time. And he’s at Summer Camp at the JCC, which involves swimming, sports, field trips, and daily 10K fun runs where they carry 40 pound backpacks. This is our best guess, because when we pick him up, he is so tired he sometimes falls asleep during the 1/2 mile back home. So, then, maybe it’s normal for him to seem tired and be warm?
But wait. Last Sunday, Will slept until after 8am. AND, took a 3-hour nap. No exaggeration.
I know, I’m looking up and waiting for the sky to start falling, too.
Now I’ve got you worried.
I’ve taken him the doctor twice. Once for the virus where he lost his voice (which almost happened again last weekend, actually) and then again because he had ear pain (swimmer’s ear). Today, he has had fluid pouring out of his head all day. Like when you use a neti pot, except it’s out of his ear. All day. Does it hurt? No. But then again, this is the kid whose eardrum exploded in a dramatic wash of colors and textures and he was all, “eh.”
So is this normal summertime for grade school kids? What is up with my kid?
Aliza | 09-Jul-10 at 4:32 am | Permalink
This is summer camp kid at the JCC. This was me every summer it seems my whole life. The day wears you out. When I was the Assit. Director my summer was work and sleep… no joke I was doing exactly what Will was! There is just so much going on. Talk to the staff (If you never get to see the counselors call Kevin he will go get the answer for you!) to see if he is being active during the day and if not… maybe Mono?
De | 09-Jul-10 at 4:41 am | Permalink
I think so, especially if the 10K run is no exaggeration. My kids have been sleeping in until 8 almost every morning, and they actually asked me if we could stay home today and do nothing. My son has been running a low fever (101) all week, but his mood is good.
Did the dr. give him anything for the ear? Mine get swimmers ear every August, even though we use homemade ear drops (1/2 vinegar, 1/2 rubbing alcohol) daily.
Kelly | 09-Jul-10 at 6:49 am | Permalink
Good Lord!
Is it JCC Camp, or Boot Camp? That is a lot of activity. I’m going to take nap just thinking about it.
Michelle | 09-Jul-10 at 8:30 am | Permalink
I don’t know about the ear thing, but wow I’d be exhausted if I was in that camp! My six year old has been tired and sleeping late too. This from the child who would wake up at 5:30 and play in her room before school, then fight to go to bed every night. I think most of that’s just the heat down here. But I’m not the best judge of things this time of year. We’ve had some awfully traumatic summers in the past, so I’m constantly waiting for the sky to fall on me in July.
Imperatrix | 09-Jul-10 at 9:33 am | Permalink
Remember, you live in the south. Where it is hot and humid — combined with so much physical activity, I’m not surprised Will is tuckered out. You say you went to the doctor twice — what does your doctor say?
Also, at 6 aren’t they processing lots of new stuff and their bodies are springing to the next level? That can be tiring, too.
The ear draining thing sounds weird, though. I would definitely call the doctor again, if you haven’t already.
bayoucreole | 09-Jul-10 at 4:15 pm | Permalink
Yep, it’s normal alright. My kids are 18 and 16 and are still doing it. The heat wears you out.
sandy burgamy | 09-Jul-10 at 5:21 pm | Permalink
Holly – I had to comment. It’s called dehydration – and you can run a fever and have chills and…be TIRED! I learned the hard way when I lived in Mobile — ran all the time in the summer and almost ended up in the hospital. He really needs to hydrate – replace his electrolytes. Running with a 40 lb backpack? Are you kidding me? In the heat of the summer? Whomever is in charge needs a good talking to.
Emmy | 09-Jul-10 at 9:22 pm | Permalink
Ana’s wiped out after camp, and I think she could go straight to sleep. Between the heat and the swimming, she’s just knackered.
On the days I’ve seen Will at Oneg Shabbat, he’s lively, singing the songs in Hebrew, and very social. I’m sure once his butt hits the car, he just can’t wait to sleep!
Kathryn | 09-Jul-10 at 10:12 pm | Permalink
I think the running a 10k with a 40 lb. backpack was a bit of exaggeration, right?
The camp thing is exhausting. It is so hot and they are active all day. And, swimming just makes you tired. He seemed fairly lively at the pool last night. Maybe he does have some dehydration issues.
Also, as strange as it may seem for him, I wonder if his sleeping patterns are changing as he gets older. Miles definitely sleeps later the older he gets.
holly | 14-Jul-10 at 9:39 pm | Permalink
Thanks everyone.