Will Update

New Words: “Sim-pool” (for swimmin’ pool), “ghetti” (for spaghetti), “Uno” (for 1 in spanish), “Tree” (for one-two-THREE! which is the cue for us tossing him back and forth in the pool) , “Gobo” (for globo, which is balloon in spanish), “Fishy” (for fish), “down” (for when he is being carried and wants to walk) and “No” (for try it and you’ll regret it)

Favorite word: “Agua”. Some days, he says this more than anything else.

Current shoe size: 5 1/2 (he’ll be in his size 5 for another 2 weeks or so)

Pairs of new size 51/2 shoes from Stride Rite outlet: 4. (one white dressy, two sandals, one sneaker — we showed restrain by not getting the black and white saddle shoes, too)

Fun activity: Taking you by the hand, leading you where he wants to go. For example, leading to the back door and putting your hand on the door knob while pointing outside and saying “sim-pool”

New foods: spaghetti with meat sauce, ice cream, sorbet, strawberries, goat cheese, grape tomatoes (he eats ’em like candy), mexican rice, refried beans, veggie quesadilla, cheese enchilada

Favorite Sesame Street Character: Elmo (duh), but Ernie now holds a solid second place

Bedtime: 7:30pm (give or take 30 minutes some nights)

Wake-up time: 6:30am (give or take 30 minutes, depending on our luck for the day)