“Will told me last night that Dumbledore dies in The Half-Blood Prince.”
“C. told him at school.”
“You are kidding. His parents must have brought him to the movie. HOW DARE THEY.”
“I asked Will if C. said anything about Santa Claus.”
“That would have been much better. I think I want to kick that kid’s ass.”
Maitri | 11-Sep-09 at 9:43 am | Permalink
You should totally keep your kids away from my big mouth.
Emmy | 11-Sep-09 at 9:47 am | Permalink
chrissieroux | 11-Sep-09 at 11:01 am | Permalink
I can so relate! I’ve been reading the first book with Sydney, and am living in fear that someone will tell her about Dumbledore. Was Will upset?
Painted Maypole | 11-Sep-09 at 9:05 pm | Permalink
That is betrayal of the highest order. That kid deserves some one on one time with a dementer.
kaye | 11-Sep-09 at 10:45 pm | Permalink
personally I’ve never gotten over his death since I first read it in the book. It left a whole in me as if he were an actual person. I even find myself still angry with J.K. Rowling–how dare she!
Tina | 12-Sep-09 at 5:52 am | Permalink
LOL that’s too funny!
My son was a big mouth when he was younger. He told his step-brother (same age) that there was no Santa Claus….This was not a fun thing to explain to his Mother!