Camilla Paglia and Ann Coulter, watch out — here’s another anti-feminist “feminist” set to steal your air time. via Feministing…
Charlotte Allen – a professional woman-hating hack from the Independent Women’s Forum who has also oh-so-bravely attacked transgender rights, said that the answer to women’s potential financial woes is marriage, and suggested that Hurricane Katrina might have been “the best thing” to happen to New Orleans which is full of “whiners…chisel[ing] us taxpayers” out of money – has outdone herself in an article that is all about what dumb f@&!s women are.
I’m sickened that the Washington Post is publishing this ridiculous nonsense.
Newsflash: women aren’t men. Equality doesn’t mean that we act like men. We’re different, our bodies do different things, and our needs our different. This does not make us weaker (actually, we survive childbirth and infancy in greater numbers and we live longer). Thinking that women must act like men in order to be employed, gain respect, and enjoy careers is what creates unimaginable situations like this.
What is really galling is that the sort of misogynist garbage Allen puts out is equally damaging to men: you can’t narrowly define the expression of one gender without narrowly defining the other (in her case, she’s arguing a sex difference, but she’s defining those differences according to tired, old gendered rubbish). Labeling women as emotional basket cases assumes the opposite in men. If women are emotional, men are stoic, and showing any inclination towards the other brings gender conflict: you’re open for attack from the masses. Meaning that if a man shows emotion, he is feminized… and our society has a real problem with men who show any hint of femininity. By labeling women in one extreme, you put men in the other — it is equally offensive and damaging to both. Not to mention that it ignores the fluidity of sex, gender, and their expression, which is better described on a continuum than in binary.
How I am going to raise both a boy and a girl through adolescence within all of this nonsense??
Christoph | 03-Mar-08 at 12:22 pm | Permalink
Washington Post, though, has never been a progressive paper. It’s always been a Southern moderate analogue to the New York Times with occasional conservative nods.
Ann Coulter is not even an anti-feminist feminist. That would require her to adhere to an ideology. She’s a financial opportunist. She’s Paris Hilton with a law degree.
What we both should really lament is how WMAL radio in DC has descended during the past two decades from a friendly, moderate, Mid-Atlantic community oriented station into a mouthpiece of hack conservative talk radio. That really pisses me off. I miss Harden and Weaver and Trumble & Core & Brooke Stevens & Charlie Warren’s Saturday morning fishing report!
Andrew Kottenstette | 04-Mar-08 at 9:08 am | Permalink
Makes one wonder why they call them “news” papers.
“Paris Hilton with a law degree.” That’s about right. Just trying to stretch her 15 minutes of fame out until it snaps like a rubber band.
laloca | 04-Mar-08 at 7:17 pm | Permalink
you’ve got to love this one. allen writes:
A study published in 1998 by the Johns Hopkins schools of medicine and public health revealed that women clocked 5.7 auto accidents per million miles driven, in contrast to men’s 5.1, even though men drive about 74 percent more miles a year than women.
one (or at least i) would expect those who have more experience behind the wheel to have fewer accidents per mile. but from the way she writes, it would appear allen is somehow thinking that men are getting into fewer total accidents, rather than having a lower accident rate.
just goes to show you barbie was right when she said “math is hard!”
on a side note, i must admit i don’t like obama very much, in part because i find him too effeminate. and i don’t like clinton, who i find too masculine. (“what about mccain?” you ask. i don’t like him – he’s too republican. oh, and i think he’s lost his marbles…)