Moments and Highlights from Today’s March and Rally

I’m too tired to say much of substance and am still processing the day. But it was incredibly powerful. Being there with such an amazing group of people was inspiring.

Times-Picayune has several articles that cover some of the media focus at the event. Thanks for all the messages regarding watching us on CNN. If you could drop a quick line to your local representatives, we would really appreciate it.

We TiVo’ed several evening news broadcasts to review later, but we know that you can see images of Paul, Kate, and even me — as well as other Abeona-related people — in these places (hat tip, Emmy!): Photo #20 of Paul’s decked out stroller with Kate in tow Photo #13 of Chrissie Roux (and Katrina’s arm, and Renee’s derrier); Photo #25 of Zoe’s empty stroller, #34 of Paul and Holly in the periphery Photo set #2, picture #5: Great pic of Paul & Kate (They are quite popular!)

Some favorites of mine from the day are below. Paul took a few, too, so there are actually some pictures of me! Paul loaded a viewing page to see all my favorites; below are some highlights.