Will has a Jack-in-the-box at my parents’ house. It is a standard model with “Jack” dressed in a clown-inspired hat and suit, with cartoons of clowns juggling and unicycling on the sides. When he turns the handle and Jack pops out, Will always calls out, “Daddy!”
My Mother made the slip of calling out, “that sucks a big one!” when she overcooked bacon in the microwave this morning. Will, who was happily playing on the porch, conveniently decided to get involved in that moment: just as the words escaped Granna’s mouth, Will came charging into the kitchen shouting, “that sucks big one!” I looked down and shouted, “PEANUT BUTTER”, my distraction tactic to keep Will from repeating less-than-desireable phrases he hears from his mother’s family. Usually Will compiles. Today he just looked at me and repeated, “that sucks BIG one!” He put special emphasis on the “big,” as if to gently remind me that this phrase was now perminently saved in his personal lexicon. Thankfully, I kept my follow-up response (Damn!) to myself.
A few months ago, Will was Determined to Do Everything Himself. This included feeding himself, combing his hair, putting on clothes, and brushing his teeth. Lately there has been a huge regression of these behaviors: he asks to be fed, for someone else to brush his teeth, and doesn’t complain when one of us goes after his hair.
Kate is back to her super-pooper status. 5 big ones today; 4 of which overflowed up the back. This is an indication that we probably need to switch diapers to ones with a more cinching waist. We recently went from Pampers Swaddlers to the less expensive Pampers Baby Dry… I think we need to go either go back to Swaddlers or into Cruisers. Baby Dry does a great job on holding in leg leaks, but the waist doesn’t have the same give.
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