Aunt Fran’s neice is Fear Factor Champion!!!
She managed to: collect a bunch of flags hanging from a helicopter going 90 mph hanging 40 feet in the air; crawl through a ventilation unit through sewage, spiders, spider webs, rats, flames, and darkness; and get heat from her competitors as not strong enough to hack it. After winning through all of that, she and her partner got to the finals, where they had to swim into a submerged armored car, open it with one of several keys, get inside, and open up boxes (again with the keys) containing gold bars and coins. They did an incredible job, beating out a sister and brother body builder team (they were really scary) to collect over $225,000! How impressive is that?!
Fluorescences | 06-Dec-05 at 10:06 pm | Permalink
Damn. “Evidently fear is not a factor for them.” Actually that was a good episode. It’s been dragging lately.
Holly | 07-Dec-05 at 7:43 am | Permalink
I love that on the second task, her face was clearly freaked out. When the other teams started giving her heat, rather than stooping down to the base level of her competitors, she simply said, “I’m only human.” And when she then went on to beat everyone else’s time by 18 or more seconds, she still didn’t go down to their level! How classy is that?!
(Her teammate, however, totally lowered the bar. I think that they should split the money 70/30 or something since she is so above him and completely carried him through the competition!)
Fluorescences | 07-Dec-05 at 7:58 am | Permalink
“Her teammate totally lowered the bar … she is so above him.” That was Holly the Utne Magazine Reader, ladies and gentemen. Be sure to tip your waiter on the way out …
Come on, he didn’t do bad. He pumped them up and did well.
Holly | 07-Dec-05 at 8:26 am | Permalink
Come on, she totally rocked and he was just so-so. He did better in the end by getting the bars, but seriously, she totally carried him until then. In my view, he acted way too macho to be considered as classy as she was.
And yes, I do like Utne. But let’s be clear: my absolute favorite magazine of all time is (no, not BUST, The Nation, or Mother Jones — although those are top choices)… it’s Southern Living.
Fluorescences | 07-Dec-05 at 11:38 am | Permalink
You should read Sunset magazine. I got hooked on that while working as a receptionist in Seattle. It’s basically the West Coast version of Southern Living.
Anonymous | 13-Dec-05 at 8:57 pm | Permalink
I have a positive thoughts about the guy…here is what he said on the NBC site:
“mental toughness, and sheer strength to win. That’s why I endearingly call angela….”MANGELA” because she has the will to win, and of course strong shoulders as she carried me through the competition! “
Holly | 14-Dec-05 at 8:06 am | Permalink
I couldn’t find the NBC link that showed him saying that, but if so, it certainly redeems him in my mind! Although I would argue that “mental toughness and sheer strength” are hardly characteristics unique to a man!
Anonymous | 15-Dec-05 at 10:15 am | Permalink
Just have included the link: