Weaning 101

In all the literature out about breastfeeding, it is really difficult to find good information on weaning. And the majority of what is out there is geared towards folks trying to wean when their babies are way young and milk dependent. I’m a little burned on trying to find good information for Moms like me, who have breastfed for two years (as recommended) and are facing weaning.

That said, I think that Will may be weaned. He’s been naturally nursing less over the past few months. When we were in Mobile for the two month Katrina aftermath, my parents started putting him to bed and he lost interest in night-nursing (he’d be so tired and full after dinner he’d fall asleep as we were putting on his PJs.) During this time, he stopped asking for daytime nursing and only nursed in the mornings during our cuddle time. Then in the last month or so, Will started skipping days. When he did nurse, he only nursed for a very short time (less than a minute) and was more interested in playing than nursing. Now it has been at least 5-6 days since he last nursed and he doesn’t show any interest in nursing again. Does that mean he’s done? Is he weaned?

If he’s done, that is fine. He seems ready, he eats great, and it didn’t involve any tears on either of our parts. (I was worried he would be difficult to wean.) But I want to know what is going on with my body. I read that I could make milk for months afterward, which I thought was interesting. Particularly being pregnant, that made sense to me. I have had some soreness on one breast, but nothing terrible. I wonder if that will continue? I don’t feel the need to express at all, I don’t feel “full,” but I’m not sure how I should be feeling. It’s all a very new thing and it’s not like there are other Moms to ask. (No one breastfeeds here… Louisiana actually has the lowest breastfeeding rates in the country, according to a speaker during our “breastfeeding week” at the School of Public Health last fall.) Anyone have any experience or information about this one?