The email went something like this:
Dear (Committee Chair),
Guess what! I’m not dead!
Here’s my second attempt at producing a dissertation. It incorporates all that stuff we talked about months ago, plus other stuff.
Also, I was thinking that instead of defending this work of mine, we could just go through pictures of me in a bathing suit, having each committee member make comments about all my bodily imperfections. We could spend hours on my legs alone.
It would just make the whole affair less intimate than actually talking about my work.
So, can we defend this thing?
And now we wait.
De | 19-Jul-10 at 11:47 am | Permalink
Maybe it felt like that.
However, I’m sure you know your stuff and you have a generous heart, which will shine through in the oral part, winning them over completely.
And then you celebrate.
shoreacres | 19-Jul-10 at 5:20 pm | Permalink
Oh, my.
Never did the PhD bit, but had my share of academic committees and others who were charged with the responsibility of JUDGING, by golly!
I just saw the line in your sidebar: We strive to make our life our argument. Yep. That oughta do it 😉
I just saw community health, too. And Central America. Mine was mother/child health clinics in Liberia. I went another direction, but never regretted a minute of those years.
alejna | 20-Jul-10 at 11:49 am | Permalink
You crack me up, Holly.
I hope they like the stuff you sent them. I’m sure it’s good stuff, your stuff.