While marketing its intended product, the Cacique commercial sells a positive thinking, self-affirming message to its viewers. This is in contrast to ads for similar products, which, while marketing themselves, sell a degrading, self-hating message to viewers. What do you get when you have marketing plus good vibes? Well, we viewers call that a win-win. I’m not exactly sure why you all call it inappropriate during your prime-time spots. But maybe, if you pulled your heads out of your arses, you’d see it for what it truly is… a step in the right direction.
A Sometimes Viewer.
Here’s the “controversial” ad.
Here’s the article about the ad. (h/t: Scott!)
heather | 22-Apr-10 at 7:15 pm | Permalink
Seriously? That’s it? What the hell?? I hadn’t heard about this controversy, but it’s interesting that anytime someone tries to depart from the unrealistic standards set for womem, they get slapped right back to their “rightful” place. Disgraceful, and I ain’t talking about the ad.
Kelly | 23-Apr-10 at 4:23 am | Permalink
Grrrr…I guess a woman who actually eats AND enjoys being sexy is just too much.
Painted Maypole | 23-Apr-10 at 5:59 am | Permalink
wow. they’re tame compared to the victoria secret ads. do fox and abc ban those, too? (I never watch commercials, so I wouldn’t know. Ah the joy of a DVR and the fast forward button)
Cara | 23-Apr-10 at 5:09 pm | Permalink
Love you letter!
holly | 23-Apr-10 at 7:36 pm | Permalink
I hear that! Thanks. 🙂
holly | 23-Apr-10 at 7:37 pm | Permalink
SO TAME. And no, according to the press, there has not been the same type of limits on similar ads showing supermodels. Blegh.
holly | 23-Apr-10 at 7:37 pm | Permalink
Well said.
holly | 23-Apr-10 at 7:37 pm | Permalink
YES! My thoughts exactly… that’s IT? Ugh.