It took 20 years but I am finally out of puberty.
What I mean is that I have literally had acne, non-stop, for 20 years. And babies, those babies, only made it worse. More than 20 years of dermatologists, creams, lotions, soaps, and medicines. The problem is that my acne is an inside-out thing. No cream or lotion could impact the painful, embarrassing cysts. It has to be treated from the inside. So I took antibiotics off and on for a decade — for so long, that I have blue-tinged scars on my face from the overuse.
Then this summer, with the impending insurance changes looming, I got fed up. In my 30s and still worrying about breakouts? Freaking out when the kids touched my face? Grimacing at every picture of me looking back with shiny skin? ENOUGH.
I found a new dermatologist and agreed, finally, to Accutane. Isotretinoin (Accutane is the well-known brand name) a controversial, highly controlled drug, largely because it causes incredibly severe birth defects. To take it, you must register with a government system and demonstrate use of TWO forms of birth control. Then you take pregnancy tests monthly via blood work in a lab, and within a 7 day window after that negative pregnancy test, see your doctor, get the 3o day prescription and fill it. If you miss that 7 day window, you’re out for 30 days. I’ve been on the medicine since August and I can honestly say that it has completely changed my life.
My skin is unrecognizable from what it was before. I feel like I finally have the skin of “normal” person. The changes are everywhere. The small bumps that were always present on my face and chest are gone. My cysts, which were non-stop prior to the medicine, have slowed and disappeared. Small breakouts have become more and more isolated. Over my entire body, my skin is smooth and soft. The oily shine that I always had, that shows up in every picture, is greatly reduced. I still have the bluish scars, but compared to what I’ve had in the past, this is an absolute dream.
And then, a surprise.
Something about the medicine has changed my attraction to mosquitoes. I’ve talked about this before — how mosquitoes swarm me, how I can’t be outside at all after 5pm with dozens of bites even while wearing DEET, how getting 20-30 bites during 5 minutes of weed pulling while no one else is bothered is completely normal. In the last few weeks, we’ve done several evening picnics in the park with mosquitoes all around — and Paul and I have been shocked to find that I’ve walked away over and over again without bites. Even more surprising, this last time, Will, Paul, and Kate all got bit. We are convinced that the medicine, which changes how the body makes and releases oils, has changed whatever mosquitoes found so irresistible about me.
So I write this as a message to anyone with moderate acne and particularly with cysts. My experience has been fantastic. While it’s not an easy drug to take, the results have been more than worth it.
Also.  On a related note. Does anyone have recommendations for a good overnight moisturizer? And maybe a daytime tinted one?
Erika | 17-Nov-09 at 10:29 pm | Permalink
I did it about 10 yrs ago. It sucked, but then my skin was so much better. About 3 years ago it came back. It is not uncommon. Less than I year ago my dermatologist recommended going on the pill. The first month or two was hard, but then voila, much clearer skin again. Still not perfect, but much much better. I didn’t have cysts though. *Sorry for the novel sized comment.
Tabitha | 18-Nov-09 at 12:59 am | Permalink
I’ve battled with moderate acne for the last eight years or so (I’m 24) and have tried Proactiv and other over-the-counter stuff, but none of it did much of any good. Can’t say my current facial routine is what’s helped or whether it’s the fact that I’m on birth control now that I’m married, but I’ve been using Mary Kay facial products now since last March and am SOLD.
As for moisturizer, the Mary Kay TimeWise cleansing set is phenomenal — the basic package is a cleanser, under-eye cream and moisturizer, and they also have Day (with SPF) and night solutions which are great, too. But the moisturizer on its own is AWESOME. And I also use Mary Kay’s mineral powder foundation every day, and I have the liquid foundation for more fancy (or more breakout-y) days.
(And no, I don’t sell MK. I just love it.)
Emmy | 18-Nov-09 at 8:35 am | Permalink
It sounds like the acne has been a challenge for so long…wouldn’t you know, I never noticed. You always look so beautiful and wholesome to me!
Glad you found something that works.
I’m a minimalist on skin care–Oil of Olay after facewashing in the am (w/ spf) is all I do…
magpie | 18-Nov-09 at 9:09 am | Permalink
Wow. I’m glad it’s worked for you. And the mosquito business is fascinating.
chrissieroux | 18-Nov-09 at 10:02 am | Permalink
Wow! I’m with Emmy–never noticed–but I’m so happy for you.
elisa | 18-Nov-09 at 12:30 pm | Permalink
holly- i used accutane as well… gosh… about 11 years ago now. it is a great drug but i remember my skin being so dry and my lips cracking and bleeding all the time. i also had frequent nose bleeds while taking it. my favorite nighttime moisturizer while on accutane was by nivea. it was really thick and i never would have used it before accutane and i’ve never used it since… dryness during accutane is like nothing i’d ever experienced before and i’ve never had it again like that since. as for long term results, i am very happy. i still get zits but NOTHING even close to the big cystic all over the body acne i had before. i hope it continues to work well for you. good luck finding a moisturizer that works. a good lip balm is also key!
Laura | 20-Nov-09 at 7:25 pm | Permalink
Interesting to hear an adult’s perspective after using accutane. My cousins used it with much success, however, they are quite younger. I think they both swore by Aquaphor for their chapped lips. Anyway, I too still have acne and while I am not going the accutane route anytime in the near future I am interested to hear how it is working out for you!