The second cast went on week before last. He’s in this one three weeks (removal day is October 1st). If everything goes as planned, the arm will have remained unwashed for 6 weeks.
I was not there for cast removal and replacement, but the report was that Will’s dark blue X-wing cast (with autobot logo) made quite a stir. The technicians cut carefully around the paintings and gave Will the cast to take home. (Will has an uncanny fondness for things others would see as landfill fodder.)
So… anyone have a creative re-use idea for a full arm cast with an X-wing painted on it?

Last weekend, I fulfilled my promise of painting “Optimus Prime, ALL of him” on The Little Man’s arm cast. He watched Mulan while I painted. This time, he managed not to wipe his hand across the wet paint part way through, which really sped up painting time.
It was late in the afternoon and rainy, so it was tough to get a good picture. That, and the fact that Will, once released from the grasp of Mulan’s comforting glow, WOULD NOT STAND STILL.  We’re outside, the ISO is on, like, 500 million, and the kid is STILL blurry.

He’s posing with the cut-out I used for sizing guidelines. Because of the bend in the cast and the bumpy surface, both times I’ve used cut-outs to help determine appropriate spacing. Not that the method produced perfect results, but it was enough to keep Will happy.
So, starting around October 2nd, anyone have ideas for re-using one full arm and one half arm cast??

PS: Please forgive my overuse of the comma. I’m just so very fond of it.
magpie | 19-Sep-09 at 1:38 pm | Permalink
Hmm. Turn them into a lamp for his bedroom?
jenny | 19-Sep-09 at 4:17 pm | Permalink
um, eew?
sorry, my only experience with unwashed casts was a waist-to-shoulder body cast i had for four weeks in the middle of summer in rio when i was nine and broke my arm a few inches below the shoulder – so when they took it off, it STANK.
and so it was thrown away.
(i’m sure will’s casts don’t stink. maybe you could just remove the colorful (and painted) outer layer, and put them in a shadow box? or leave them as they are, and put them in lucite display boxes?)
Kathryn | 19-Sep-09 at 5:42 pm | Permalink
Miles is very impressed! Me, too.
Katherine | 19-Sep-09 at 7:21 pm | Permalink
Use some more plaster and turn the cast into a piggy bank, I would recommend shellacking or something to cover it up to mask the stink as well as make it water/mess proof.
kitty | 19-Sep-09 at 11:23 pm | Permalink
wow, more amazing artwork and all on a living, breathing little boy. I was wondering how you got him to sit still. Hurray for Disney movies!
Seriously, is there anything you can’t do?
Painted Maypole | 21-Sep-09 at 9:22 pm | Permalink
you really are talented.
Harriet M. Welsch | 23-Sep-09 at 12:05 pm | Permalink
If I ever break my arm, I’m going to show up at your house for beautification. And speaking of beautification, thank you so much for the beautiful tile magnet. You made my day!
Katharine | 24-Sep-09 at 2:33 pm | Permalink
I am super impressed with the artwork! Could this be another side business brewing?
Maybe get Paul to fashion some sort of wooden base and turn them into bookends.
Can’t wait to see what y’all come up with.