He was so proud of himself. Even though he had to jump up to reach them, once his hand held, he swung across those monkey bars with confidence. When other children approached, he kindly demonstrated the hang and swing, dutifully encouraging others to try, too. But then, that’s just our sweet guy.
Finally he complained that his hands were hurting. He showed Paul his palms, which were beginning to show signs of blisters. “Maybe you should take a break?” Paul suggested.
“Just one more time,” Will said.
And he jumped and grabbed the first bar with his right hand. But before he could grab the next with his left, he slipped in mid-swing, coming down on his left arm. He jumped up in a scream so fast Paul said it was as if Will’s body had bounced on the pavement.
Paul, the parent with experience in broken bones, was extra helpful to Will while we went through the ins and outs of x-ray, exams, and setting the splint. Among Paul’s finer stories: the pain of x-rays, discomfort while sleeping, itching, and gross things that come out of casts. Still, that’s probably better than what my face looked like when I cut off the make-shift magazine cast that held his arm from playground to hospital.

Both bones are broken in his left arm, a little above his wrist. The ER at Children’s was terribly busy, so we didn’t get to see the x-rays. He’s in a hard splint until the swelling goes down and then back to the orthopedic for more x-rays and setting later this week.
julie | 23-Aug-09 at 3:06 pm | Permalink
Pumpkin! Give that boy a big (but gentle) squeeze from me. (And one for you + Paul, too).
xoxo j
alejna | 23-Aug-09 at 3:57 pm | Permalink
Oh no! Poor Will! That sounds painful. And what an ordeal for all of you. I don’t even know how long that sort of thing takes to heal.
Is Will right-handed or left?
Wishing him speedy healing.
chrissieroux | 23-Aug-09 at 4:04 pm | Permalink
Poor baby 🙁
Emily (and Tim) | 23-Aug-09 at 4:31 pm | Permalink
Oh no, poor Little Man!!! Broken bones are cause for as much cake and ice cream as you can eat (for both Will and you guys). Lots of love to all and we hope he’s feeling better soon!!!
Brendan | 23-Aug-09 at 4:31 pm | Permalink
I remember hanging upside down on monkey bars, swinging and grabbing the bars behind my head. I think about this as my 4 yo daughter begins to get strong enough to swing the entire length of bars.
I always hated when my parents stopped me from popping wheelies or climbing trees. I always wondered how kids ended up in motocross and how I could trade my parents in for their parents because I really wanted to ride a minibike when I was young. Of course, as the parent of a 4 yo I know what they were thinking. Of course, I still wish I had been in motocross when I was in my teens.
I am sure your son will be ok after the discomfort. Next summer he will probably be back on the monkeybars.
Kathryn | 23-Aug-09 at 4:51 pm | Permalink
oh, no! that face looks so sad …
jenny | 23-Aug-09 at 5:07 pm | Permalink
poor kid. at least once he gets the cast on, he’ll be able to do whatever he wants in it. just don’t let him use it as a bludgeon!
de | 24-Aug-09 at 6:17 am | Permalink
Oh, man! Poor guy. (I had to laugh at Jenny’s comment, though, because I remember bludgeoning a boy in elementary school when my arm was in a cast.)
Emily R | 24-Aug-09 at 6:25 am | Permalink
poor kid!
Melanie | 24-Aug-09 at 10:12 am | Permalink
Oh no! How awful. Wishing for a speedy recovery.
gwen | 24-Aug-09 at 11:13 am | Permalink
so i’m thinking that i’ll put that extra glove that we have from dry pro in the mail to you this afternoon so that you can at least escape the hell of bathing with casts! hugs to will and clare sends lots and lots of healing karma.
Dr A | 24-Aug-09 at 12:54 pm | Permalink
Saran wrap works well around casts (but not if the limb is submerged!)
Take care, all of you!
Aimee | 24-Aug-09 at 1:52 pm | Permalink
Poor Will! And, poor Holly and Paul.
Painted Maypole | 25-Aug-09 at 11:51 am | Permalink
oof. prayers for speedy recovery.