View of downtown New Orleans from the rooftop of Tulane’s 6-story parking garage.

The view of downtown New Orleans, with Fourth of July fireworks silently exploding in the distance. There are two sets of fireworks because the celebration here has “dueling barges” sending off pyrotechnics from the river.

All in all, an easy way to see fireworks with no crowds. Drunk college kids arrived part-way through (note to Tulane: install a sobriety check-point directly at the exit of the garage at 9pm on the Fourth) but the roof area is large enough for them to be only a minor annoyance… in the sense that we can’t help but look at ourselves and go, “my goodness, were we that self-absorbed and clueless when we were that age?!”
It’s not a sign that we’re old. It’s a sign that we’re simply mature.

onthecurb | 13-Jul-09 at 6:31 am | Permalink
Dueling barges…I love it. We, too, usually watch the fireworks from a distance here in Birmingham. It can take hours sometimes to get out of the downtown post-bang traffic.