Last week, my Dad flew back from PA to spend a few days around the Fourth holiday in Mobile and see Will and Kate. Paul and I took the opportunity to outfit the office… which involved a 350 mile trip to IKEA Houston.
Here is the car while we were packing it up and watching the back end of the car go lower and lower and lower… this photo is NOT the finished packing. A mattress, another big box, and a ton of other little boxes (not to mention us, our computers, and overnight bag) also fit in. We had to sit one in front and one in back for the drive to fit it all.

Paul rocked the installation. Here is some video of the cluttered mess while we were in the process of getting everything in and up.
He made some custom adjustments with cords and attaching computer equipment to the back of the rolling shelves to keep it off the desks (not shown) but it’s helped to put away much of the mess. Our chairs (Swoopers!) arrive tomorrow — FINALLY.
This is my desk.  Please don’t think this is in anyway a DONE or AFTER or COMPLETE sort of thing. Just one more step…

We used the BILLY bookcases, with height extension. Mounted to the wall, they are quite stable, but these aren’t the sort of shelves that you can take with you, so to speak.

We actually wanted the glass doors, but there weren’t any left, so we went with the solid white.

Here is Paul’s desk. Also, a painting of Will’s is framed behind his chair. We brought back several frames for kid’s artwork to go on the walls.

Our favorite item? The ALEX shelves in between the desks. Actually, we wanted matching ALEX drawer units (smaller ones) to go under one side of each of our desks. But they were out! So we settled with the big one.

We’re still figuring out the organization of things, but it is a much, much improved work space for both of us!
Lucy | 09-Jul-09 at 4:49 am | Permalink
Doesn’t it feel great to bring order to a space!! It just feels like you are getting something accomplished and organized and it helps to make life feel a little less frazzled or like walls are closing in!!
de | 09-Jul-09 at 6:43 am | Permalink
Congratulations! Very exciting. And I understand making the long trip – they kill you with shipping if you don’t pick up yourself.
kitty | 11-Jul-09 at 2:08 am | Permalink
Wow, we have an IKEA here and I have only gone there once, didn’t even buy anything.
I can’t believe New Orleans doesn’t have one.
But wow, what a difference, it looks much tidier and spacious already. Love the wall colors you’ve picked, too.
Painted Maypole | 11-Jul-09 at 10:57 pm | Permalink
why oh why is there not an ikea in the great new orleans area????