Kate recently failed a middle ear hearing test. Yesterday, Will complained that his left ear (his problem ear) hurt and that he couldn’t hear out of it. I called the doc; Paul took them this afternoon while I was teaching. This is the story that unfolded for me when I got home:
Paul: Will’s ear tube fell out.
Me: Wow, already?
Paul: Except he put it back in.
Me: What?
Paul: Tell Mommy about your tube, Will.
Will: My tube fell out after lunch. I put it back. Then the doctor found it.
Me: You put the ear tube back in your ear? Just pushed it in?
Will: Yes, I put it back in. A lot of earwax pushed it out.
Paul: The doctor said the hole will be around for a few more weeks, maybe months. There is fluid inside the eardrum, though. We just have to watch it and keep using his ear drops.
Me: Will, next time something falls out of your head, put it in your pocket and tell an adult before you put it in your ear, okay?
alejna | 24-Jun-09 at 6:45 am | Permalink
“Will, next time something falls out of your head, put it in your pocket and tell an adult before you put it in your ear, okay?”
This definitely falls into the category of “things you never expected to find yourself saying.”
Schuyler | 24-Jun-09 at 6:51 am | Permalink
Fast forward 5 years. “Dad, can I borrow your dremel? My cast is ready to come off.”
Fast forward 10 years. “Dad, can I borrow your utility knife? My stitches are ready to come out.”
jenny | 24-Jun-09 at 9:18 am | Permalink
schuyler – you don’t need a knife to remove stitches. just tweezers. i figured that out at age 8.
holly – is it normal for an ear tube to “just fall out”?
magpie | 24-Jun-09 at 7:14 pm | Permalink
wow. good thing he didn’t do any additional damage.
Painted Maypole | 24-Jun-09 at 8:39 pm | Permalink