Did that belly dancing class make us uppity? First we’re umming, then we’re all blinging out, and before you know it, we’re having drinks and splitting burritos at young co-ed haunts on Saturday nights.

Oh, and then? We’re going out for live music and dancing.
This is Katie Herzig. If you’ve watched Grey’s Anatomy, you’ve heard her — she’s wonderfully talented, plucking out those mellow chords and lyrical phrases. Here’s the song you’re likely to have heard (a-la Grey’s):
She was a Lagniappe, the unexpected opening act. I truly had no idea that the headlining act wouldn’t START until 11pm.
We chugged huge vats of iced coffee before the show, just in case.

I know I’ve gone on and on about the Photovoice project cameras. And while I’m not saying that my recommendations are powerful enough to produce dramatic market changes, I do find it incredibly suspicious that these cameras (which we bought for the project at $109 a piece — on sale marked down from $139) are now $300 on Amazon. (Office Depot is selling them in the $130s.)
At first, I played around with the ISO (this is the 800 setting) and then with the shutter priority mode.
All this trouble was completely justified. It was for the Indigo Girls, after all.

I didn’t realize it, but Emily (the musician on the right) went to Tulane! She gave a big heartfelt shout-out to Tip’s, mentioning her own first music experiences in the venue.  Both she and Amy took every opportunity to remind the crowd of the groups they were there to support.
The venue, Tipitina‘s, sits on the corner of an Uptown neighborhood street, near the railroad and docks. Once upon a time it was a neighborhood bar and juke joint. It’s been home to many (if not most) of New Orleans’ beloved musicians — but the club is dedicated to Henry Roeland Byrd, (a.k.a. Professor Longhair), one of the most revered rhythm and blues musicians in the legacy of New Orleans music.

Tipitina’s holds a wide range of community activities and runs a Foundation that brings instruments to local kids. They sponsor events where musicians mentor students, including training in musician business skills and industry internships. They hold events that raise money for organizations dedicated to preserving the unique heritage and traditions of our city. The concert was part of an “activism night” for Tipitina’s and local organizations that the Indigo Girls support.
(Also? The camera does video…!)
It was my first night inside Tip’s. The two story space is like a big barn — U shaped second floor with open center and big dance floor below. It has that special mix of history and intimacy one expects in New Orleans; you feel the energy of the evening on the back of the energy from the day before. It feels familiar and exciting all at the same time.
Here is a recording of the full song in the clip above:
Indigo Girls – Land Of Canaan (Official Music Video) – Click here for another funny movie.

I was thrilled they played Land of Canaan AND Watershed, neither of which I think I’ve heard them play live before.
They played quite a bit from their new album, which is fantastic — it goes back to the sounds of some of their older music.

Actually, they played nonstop for 2 hours… from 11 until 1am.

One of the fundraising activities for the night was the opportunity to sing “Closer to Fine” on stage with them… and get a recording of it… to the highest bidder.
It went for $9,000.
I know. WOW.

And of course someone in our group knew the winner. I hear she’s an OB-GYN? She actually bid with a group of friends, so all four were on the stage, but she sang the second verse all by herself.

They played a couple of encores… the last one was Galileo. Bonerama was hanging around, so they joined the Girls on the stage. I’m not sure if the members of Bonerama had ever really heard the song before? But whatever. Everyone was singing so loudly I’m not sure if mattered. You decide:
Either way, it was a way cool concert and an awesome New Orleans’ night!
Thanks, Chrissie, for getting the tickets and EVERYONE for making it great!

Phyllis | 01-Jun-09 at 9:40 pm | Permalink
Thanks for the opportunity for hearing the Indigo Girls at Tip’s, Holly! We wanted to go, but decided not to because of the crowd. Your group might like to go to Tip’s on Sundays about 5:30, though, when Bruce Daigrepont and his band play great Cajun dance music. We know the fiddle player and she’s terrific.
chrissie | 02-Jun-09 at 7:00 pm | Permalink
I thought it was an awesome show. I wondered about whether Bonerama was familiar with the song, but I didn’t care in the end because the spectacle was just awesome.
Painted Maypole | 02-Jun-09 at 9:17 pm | Permalink
Craig Klein AND the Indigo Girls all one stage at the SAME TIME?
I might have fainted had I been there.
and trust me, if I had realized they wouldn’t start until 11pm I WOULD have driven down from the northshore AFTER my own performance to see them. darn it.