I’ve crossed into a new realm of parenting.
It was there, but I didn’t recognize it until now.
I’m in the midst of planning how to celebrate Kate’s 3rd birthday, which is Saturday. Kate wants a birthday party and that simple request has melted me into a puddle of whine (no question now where Will gets it from).
But now I get it. Will’s parties are SO DIFFERENT now. When he goes to parties, it’s just kids. Sometimes parents aren’t even there. Just a bunch of kids. It’s a real party for kids.
Kate’s age is different. A party for her is a playdate where parents gather to party. It’s a very different beast. With a 3-year old birthday, you’re entertaining two age groups — plus, you’re more likely to have mixed ages of children as other siblings attend. I’m realizing that it is hard to be simple when you’re worried about making everyone feel welcome and have a good time.
This is putting everything in perspective for me. I think I would just invite one or two families over for cake, but Kate has been to a lot of birthday parties now and she knows the drill. She has been asking EVERYDAY if her friends can come over, have cake, and “sing me Happy Birthday”.
Hi, this is my blog! It’s where I whine about annoying things.
Donna Reed would have never been this ridiculous.

(Photo by Will)
Lucy | 02-May-09 at 5:52 pm | Permalink
My children are 20 & 17 and both will tell you they remember and like the simple parties at home the best!!! I have done them all! Parks, playgrounds, pools, pizza places and favorite restaurants and yet the ‘little urchins’ liked the home parties the best!!!
The simple ones too! We are Italian, so for the simple quick ones, I threw on a pot of sauce, made homemade meatballs and we had spaghetti, rounded out with Salad and then they picked the cake.
I think you should go with your afternoon gig and make it simple, especially for 3 year olds. Easy games are the best for a large group of kids and when you have to deal with adults you don’t want a bunch of ‘crafty’ stuff going on too. It really is about balloons, cake & ice cream,opening gifts and the singing!!!
Have a great day!!! And an early Happy Birthday to Kate:)
de | 02-May-09 at 7:14 pm | Permalink
I just went to a very easy party: the boys played with trucks until everyone arrived, then they went outside and played with squirt guns, came in for the pinata, then had cake and it was over. The simplest party ever and everyone had fun. Age group 3-5.
For my daughter’s 7th birthday party, I had it at home this year, & I had about 10 activities planned. We did half of them, & the kids would have preferred just to play with the toys.
Tina | 05-May-09 at 3:48 pm | Permalink
We always have big parties for the kids at our house, but make it as simple as possible. Lots of our friends and family are invited and we ask them each to bring a dish and they are there to help watch the children. This way, you have lots of food and supervision. Makes it so much easier.