We were in the neighborhood, so we stopped by Emmy’s yesterday afternoon. Emmy was exhausted, as was I, but we both seemed a little recovered by company and the sight of each other’s kids. We scheduled for an late afternoon rendezvous back at her place.
Joined by friend Georgia and three large frozen adult beverages, we took over their neighborhood. Six kids (Emmy’s three, my two and Georgia’s one) to three Mamas, supported by slow-sips and conversation. They picked kumquats (my kids thought they were funny-tasting tomatoes, aye), swung on tree swings, and played in wooden forts. No one was stung by a caterpillar or eaten by red ants.
By the time we came up for air, it was 6:30. Monday is movie night, right?

Monday Movie was Madagascar.

It came with pizza.

It also comes with plenty of MOVE IT MOVE IT.

Which meant that Will could put his moves to use.

It was exactly what I needed — maybe what we all needed? Good friends, cold drinks, quality conversation, fun time with the kids, and mostly… a reminder to chill.
Somehow, it doesn’t seem like enough, but THANK YOU. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

Emmy | 14-Apr-09 at 8:05 pm | Permalink
No, no no. THANK YOU. I really needed you to come rescue me yesterday.
CityGirl | 15-Apr-09 at 4:16 pm | Permalink
How CUTE are they?!
Friends are such good medicine…and so is rum…and tequila…and gin…and especially bourbon (my BFF).