Triangles, leading to Oak Alley Plantation. Or Louis the Vampire’s home. Depending on your perspective.
For more of my photohunt, go here.
For more information about photohunt and links to many more, go here.
Thaw before reheating.
{ 2009 04 11 }
Triangles, leading to Oak Alley Plantation. Or Louis the Vampire’s home. Depending on your perspective.
For more of my photohunt, go here.
For more information about photohunt and links to many more, go here.
Posted by holly on Saturday, April 11th, 2009, at 6:56 am, and filed under Art & Photography, NOLA.
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Regular dishes on life in New Orleans, historic home renovation, raising kids, completing a PhD, travel near and far, global concerns, and health issues.
You know the story, right? International health... work all over the place... drag my kids around in sacks through villages in Central America... yadda yadda. I decided to go for another degree, so in 2004 we moved to New Orleans with no intention of staying. Then Katrina. And then *blink*blink* New Orleans is a completely different place and we just can't leave. Suddenly I'm on TV talking about immigrants and health and Paul is starting a company. Or two. His side is high-tech, mine is community health and our lives are yearly evacuation, regular celebrations, and nonstop work here, there, and everywhere. Our door is always open. I only ask that if you decide to go ahead and make yourself that mint julep, you make one for me, too.
We strive to make our life our argument.
Sherry at EX Marks the Spot | 11-Apr-09 at 7:47 am | Permalink
Magnificent!! Love those triangles.
Ordinary Biscuit | 11-Apr-09 at 8:15 am | Permalink
We had that lesson in art, two line that meets in the horizon will form a triangle. Same as the lines of the pathway in your photo. Great take very creative a well.
Sujomi | 11-Apr-09 at 8:41 am | Permalink
Great perspective shot! Love your interpretation of the theme.
Brita | 11-Apr-09 at 8:44 am | Permalink
Beautiful shot! Wow!
Great take on the theme.
kaye | 11-Apr-09 at 8:46 am | Permalink
a most creative triangle
Here’s my photo story happy Easter!
Mrs. Mecomber | 11-Apr-09 at 9:10 am | Permalink
What an amazing shot!! I see lots of triangles! And the warm sun on the bricks is very welcoming.
I did PH, too. I hope you have a chance to see mine.
Have a great weekend. He is risen!
Gigi | 11-Apr-09 at 10:15 am | Permalink
I want to visit this peaceful looking place.
Beautiful picture!
Happy Easter
Painted Maypole | 11-Apr-09 at 11:14 am | Permalink
i recognized it immediately (as oak alley, not louis’ home!)
Tara R. | 11-Apr-09 at 1:02 pm | Permalink
This is gorgeous. Lovely shot. I really like the perspective of the walk leading into the canopy of trees.
charlotte | 11-Apr-09 at 1:50 pm | Permalink
I love this view….great shot!
Kim | 11-Apr-09 at 3:15 pm | Permalink
Love your take on this weeks theme. Great photo too! Good movie!
I found it hard to find triangles in my house this week but I did finally find some.
Mine’s up and ready…come on over!