Kate’s room, as seen last night while the kids were in the tub. It is now officially Kate’s room.
We moved in furniture from our room and gathered it on one wall. Without the huge bed in the room, it feels cavernous.

The house is feeling strange. Posh, even.  There are no boxes piled in the kids’ “play” area. Toys are displayed in places where kids can reach them and use them. Children have separate areas. There are places for imaginative play. We are not stepping over drying pieces of wood trim. Unprotected tools, wires, and other dangerous equipment are limited to a few places.
The canopy was one of Kate’s Christmas presents. It has flowers and butterflies to decorate and hang at the top… I’ll tackle doing that with her one afternoon when I can pack up my crazies tight in a box and be okay with her going wild on those perfect little flowers…

We never painted Kate’s closet doors. This is because we keep going back and forth on whether or not we’re going to put my Great-Grandmother’s vanity beside the closet — which would prevent the doors from opening. If we did this, we were going to hang curtains over the door openings. I actually have had the curtains since before Kate was born… but we can’t decide whether to actually move the vanity.
Sometimes, I seem to favor discussing the possibilities more than actually doing them. Also, I really like to move furniture around.
Now the thought is that we’re going to move the bookshelf into Will’s room and put the mirror up on the wall for Kate, with hooks along side to hang her hats and masks for dress up.

These wood pieces are from Iquitos. A butterfly and 2 parrots are missing — they were missing anchors on their backs for hanging. Another trip to the hardware store and they’ll join the bunch.

I finished this painting the night before Will was born… I never even signed my name! Kate calls it “Mommy,” which I love. The angels and moon/stars are Nancy Thomas, compliments of my Mother’s wonderful taste in fun, lively art. (She worked for Nancy in her studio/store in Yorktown when I was in college.)

Kate has been enthralled with each and every part of the room… I was surprised she stopped for a second to smile at the camera!
The art on the door is from Will — maybe it’s time for Kate to hang up some door art?
I’m trying to think of other ways to display their art around the house… cords hanging on the walls to display pieces like a laundry line? Other ideas? It seems like they bring home volumes of paper from school and it just piles up in the kitchen. With all the space in their rooms, I feel like it should have a place, too, where the kids can be proud of what they have done. What do other parents do?

shokufeh | 02-Apr-09 at 8:24 pm | Permalink
It looks great! For a long time, I pictured these sleeves I would sew out of clear vinyl, for the purpose of displaying art. I didn’t get around to it, but ran across something very similar to my vision when I was last in Ikea. So we have a couple of sets of vinyl sleeves (each has three slots, I’m not sure how to describe them) and can switch out MrMan’s creations.
Emmy | 02-Apr-09 at 8:43 pm | Permalink
In lieu of cabinet doors in our laundry room, we have 18 scrapbook page sleeves, each with a piece of the kids’ art inside.
The pages are connected in 3×3 squares to each other (picture two 3×3 squares like cabinet fronts).
The hang from a curtain rod that hangs from fishing line from the ceiling. It makes me happy to do laundry.
I’ll try to take a picture, or you can check it out next time you come by.
Painted Maypole | 02-Apr-09 at 11:11 pm | Permalink
what a magical room
we hung up a ribbon on two nails on a wall in the kitchen, and use small clothes pins to hang up artwork. MQ loves it, and it’s easy to take things down and put new things up as they come home from school, or whatever. it stretches across a whole wall, and lots of people comment that they love it. plus, it was easy AND cheap, two of my favorite things!
Bon | 04-Apr-09 at 7:06 am | Permalink
it’s beautiful. and yes, quite posh. love it.
charlotte | 04-Apr-09 at 11:05 am | Permalink
It’s just beautiful! I *love* the paint color – so tranquil. Y’all are amazing, I tell ya.
I tried several times to comment when Will was having his procedure but my comments wouldn’t post. Go figure. But I did keep up and so glad it’s over for y’all. 🙂
Violet | 05-Apr-09 at 2:28 pm | Permalink
Simply beautiful. I can’t wait to see it in person.
Danni | 06-Apr-09 at 6:33 am | Permalink
Great room Holly.
I use cork board with push pins. I can rotate out all the art work that comes home. Even still it piles up on a counter.
I like the idea of clothes pins on a low hanging line along a wall. I think I am going to implement that this week! Thanks for inspiring!
Lisa Paul | 06-Apr-09 at 8:17 pm | Permalink
Wow! I don’t visit for awhile and you redecorate. Everything. The kid’s room. The blog. Love the new looks.