Will’s class works on a reward system where kids are given points for good behavior at the end of each day. When the kids have earned 10 of these points, they are awarded a BIG “Bon” Point and are allowed to select a “Creature” card: a little picture of an animal on cardstock with their name, the date, and the animal’s name in French written on the back. Somewhere in the craziness of last fall, Paul and I tied rewards at home to the school’s rewards… Will gets to pick dinner on the nights he brings home a Big Bon Point. While he’s surprised us once or twice with requests for pot roast and/or macaroni and cheese, almost always the request is for a cheeseburger.
A few weeks ago, we decided to enjoy the beautiful spring weather and make an afternoon of the cheeseburger Bon Point. We walked up to the Streetcar, rode down to Camilla Grill, ate our counter-service burgers, caught the Streetcar back down St. Charles Avenue and walked home.

A very New Orleans family outing.

Even though we can see it coming from a mile away (well, almost), I still get nervous about someone getting hit by the streetcar. We end up holding the kids too tightly for way too long, dropping quarters in sweaty hands and grasping at falling bags because we were too anxious. Silly, silly.

Windows open!

The kids are quiet and serene on the streetcar… once they settle into a seat.

The “wedding cake” house, nestled in the live oaks. There was scaffolding up all around it for almost a year to paint it — the job simply took that long to get right.

Walking home, the kids had a lot more energy.

And did more exploring.

Kate LOVES to smell flowers. Only, she doesn’t quite have the whole “smell” thing down. She sort of snorts on them. (Bummer for the unsuspecting plant when her nose needs a proper tissue-holding blow.)

Whoa! A bee!

See the monkeys in the tree?

Kate was pretty independent on the walk back.

Enough, Mom.


No, she’s not running at Paul because she wants picked up (as if). Kate is no more. THAT is a MONSTER.

Incoming! It’s a MONSTER!

This is the last picture I took, because Paul and Will were promptly eaten immediately following this snapshot.

And they tasted mighty good with those Camilla burgers in their tummies. Just ask Kate… errr… The Monster…

jenny | 30-Mar-09 at 5:30 am | Permalink
“live oaks” has always cracked me up – it’s not as though people leave up dead trees, do they?
i love the pic of kate sticking her nose in the flowers.
Emmy | 30-Mar-09 at 6:18 pm | Permalink
Elliot “blows out” flowers like candles.
What a lovely afternoon with your bon family.
alejna | 30-Mar-09 at 8:44 pm | Permalink
I love that monster sequence. It’s bone-chilling.
Emily R | 01-Apr-09 at 4:50 pm | Permalink
i want a burger now
charlotte | 04-Apr-09 at 11:09 am | Permalink
Omigosh, these photo’s rock!