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The post-Mardi Gras post-Disney bliss is wearing off around here, thanks to the cold one-two punch of reality. Big hits this week included my Mother’s illness (update: she finally had the surgery and will hopefully be home later this weekend), returning to grading and classroom coordination, preparing final syllabus changes for the course this summer, the kick-off to a 2-year participatory action research project using Photovoice that I’m stoked about, and a long Skype call with a committee member who gave me some much needed advice when she basically told me to stop each and everything I am doing that isn’t my dissertation AND JUST FINISH THE DAMN THING. I need to hear this over and over and over again.
And then, I think I need to check out for awhile. Maybe live in a convent in Mexico for a few months. Somewhere I can be left with quiet and air and my computer. In sort, if I’m going to finish this thing, I need SPACE.
Here is some inspiration, both taken during last fall’s trip to Pittsburgh.
At the time, I was a little obsessed with panning. This is a branch of fall leaves. I like the feeling of flying into it, which is why it makes me think of space. Warp speed, Captain Zulu!

This was taken in the Pittsburgh Children’s Museum. It’s a huge table of colored sand. My Dad spun the table while I held the camera for a long(er) exposure. It reminds me of the cloud-like nebulae in deep space…

For the original Photohunt, visit here.
For more of my Photohunts, visit here.
Annie | 07-Mar-09 at 8:40 am | Permalink
Both are very cool spacey shots! That first one does have a flying feeling to it. Very nice.
Kaye | 07-Mar-09 at 11:14 pm | Permalink
that is a remarkable picture
Verite Parlant | 08-Mar-09 at 10:22 pm | Permalink
I hope your mom’s recovery goes smoothly. I like your pictures; they are art!