Amazon River, near Iquitos, Peru.
Can you image your 10(?) year old daughter navigating a little pica-pica boat, with Peruvian Naval ships and huge cargo shipping vessels (not to mention water taxis that U.S. based public health folk could be riding in) on the vast sea that is the Amazon River?
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rebecca | 14-Feb-09 at 8:05 pm | Permalink
First of all, Cold Speghetti is a VERY cute blog name 🙂 Second your picture looks like a very cozy and relaxing time 🙂
JyLnC | 14-Feb-09 at 9:49 pm | Permalink
No, I can’t imagine that because it would be to scary. I do love all the blues in your photograph. She looks so small against the size of the water area.
Here is mine:
JyLnC’s photohunt.
luna miranda | 15-Feb-09 at 12:39 am | Permalink
that’s a brave little girl! she could be an Olympian when she grow up.:D
pistolette | 15-Feb-09 at 7:31 am | Permalink
Haha, yes actually, I can kinda imagine it. When I was that age I used my jetski to chase behind cargo ships and shrimp boats in the MRGO.
Margy | 15-Feb-09 at 10:00 am | Permalink
Sometimes I think kids in the city live too protected a life. I now live in a small rural (remote) town and see kits growing up in tune with their environment. It seems more healthy. I invite you to come see my nautical cruise in Coastal BC. – Margy
Lucy | 15-Feb-09 at 11:42 am | Permalink
Can’t imagine even doing it myself let it alone watching my child!
It looks beautiful there.
Great picture.
cating | 16-Feb-09 at 3:40 am | Permalink
love the blueness of the pic!:) the little boat looks it can easily topple over. scary.