First, it was the Nuovo Anno Art Show. Actually, it turns out I didn’t photograph much of the art. Huh.

In my defense, I was drunk off the giddy high of being out past 8pm. Granted, Will was with me, eating a vat of peanut butter and chocolate chip gelato big enough to bathe in, happily playing on the computer with his friends in the back office. But for most of the evening, it was adult conversation.

Emmy and I owe great thanks to Paul, who stayed in with Kate and Elliot. We came back at 10pm to find Paul hoarse, having read 12 stories to the two sleeping buddies cuddled together on the couch.

Here are some things I picked up from this (big) Night Out:
– is a good place to go for internet games for kids. The “sandwich game” is recommended.
– Spanish speaking parents keeping their kids in French school is a good plan: you can cover more of Europe that way.
– Maternity leave can help you refocus on the good points of your job.
– Third babies are way chill.

Then, the following night was girls’ night. It was pretty low-key, mostly because I volunteered my house with the (almost) sleeping kids in the back. This was my first real girls night in a long, long time, so I kept my eyes open for rules.
The first rule is to arrive. This is actually more of a challenge than it seems: one of the assembly fell asleep while putting her child to bed and didn’t make it.
The second rule is that women should protect the fantasy that girls nights are big tickle parties between women wearing white panties. In the future, we will do a better job of taking pictures of our underwear on the ceiling fan just to keep hope alive.
The third rule is married women with children are fascinated by the stories of what other adults do when they don’t have to worry about cleaning macaroni off the floor each night. Sex clubs. Tribute bands. The knowledge of how to pay for a round of drinks.
That’s two nights out of the house, back to back. I’ve officially met my quota of personal time for the next 3 years.
pistolette | 21-Jan-09 at 5:06 am | Permalink
Pretty pictures. What kind of camera/photo software do you use? I just got a a new one, and since i learned on a fully manual it’s almost like starting over. The new Photoshop has been an exercise in patience as well. Also…
“The third rule is married women with children are fascinated by the stories of what other adults do when they don’t have to worry about cleaning macaroni off the floor each night. Sex clubs. Tribute bands. The knowledge of how to pay for a round of drinks.”
Heheh. I guess I haven’t been a mommy long enough, or maybe I just partied harder than most until I was 32 (2007), but when I’m cleaning macaroni off the floor at night and one of those wild memories of music, sex, or alcohol cross my mind – my reaction is usually, well, that was fun THEN, but I wouldn’t trade this for anything. Now don’t get me wrong, I do still appreciate ‘date night’ with hubby twice a month and going out for coffee/cocktails with friends once a week, but I left my old bohemian lifestyle behind me for a reason – I was so over it. Plus it’s still fresh enough in my mind that I can’t over-glamorize it, and I still have mostly childless couple and single friends that contemplate the down-side of their lifestyle to me all the time, so I often recall why I left “the scene”.
Janna | 21-Jan-09 at 8:14 am | Permalink
How exciting for you! Just a wee bit jealous, I might need to organize another ladies night of my own.
admin | 21-Jan-09 at 8:30 am | Permalink
P: These pictures were made with a Canon 10D, which is about 6 years old (ancient in camera years) — I got it used last spring for $300. LOVE IT. I am very much due for an upgrade, though… the batteries are so old that they don’t hold much of a charge. This became a big issue when I was photographing in Peru and away from electricity for days at a time. (If I get another once-in-lifetime job, I will upgrade quite a bit!!) I use Aperture for photo management and Photoshop for most editing. (Worked that Educational discount this summer for my first new computer since 1996!) And I say you’re still all glamour — even if you’re not out each night!
J: I recommend working the tickle-fight-panties angle to secure husband babysitters. You’ll have to write about it to give us inspiration for what to do next…!
Tina A | 21-Jan-09 at 8:35 am | Permalink
Sounds like you had a great time out with the ladies. Hmmm, makes me want to plan a ladies night myself!
kitty | 22-Jan-09 at 12:42 am | Permalink
So true about the third child being so much more chill.
I notice your photos are loading instantly now. Love it. And what a great deal on that camera. My husband found an extra battery for my Canon online for about $20. When he gets back in town I’ll get a link to the place he got it from and shoot it to you.
Emily R | 26-Jan-09 at 9:02 pm | Permalink
third babies rock the house