Will’s Summer Camp is a series of four 2-week sessions. At the end of each session is an afternoon performance from each class. Last Friday was the first. Will’s class, the 4-year olds, sang “Bonjour” to open the show to a standing-room-only crowd.
Will walked in hand-in-hand with the little girl on the right. He left hand-in-hand with the little girl on the left.
Will was pretty animated before the song started. But when the singing began, his little mouth barely opened. He completely clammed up. Later that day, he sang the song for us (with hand motions). Although he had the tune, it seems like he is not quite sure what the words are and that this is the reason for his hesitation. It must have made him feel uncomfortable? Since Paul and I won’t begin our French until the fall, we can’t help him out too much. His teacher will send home word-sheets next session so that we can help him a bit more.
But he is rolling with it pretty well, all things considered. When they were finished (45 seconds after the song began), we filed out into the hallway to let other parents take our spots to see their kids perform. Lucky us, because we got to follow Will back to his classroom and get this cute shot:
Which Will quickly altered to our amusement:
Poists | 30-Jun-08 at 2:55 pm | Permalink
Try to find the Barbapappa books in french. After many readings you and Will can understand basic french together.