My brainpower has been officially tapped dry.

Two chains of traded snack day brought me to bringing snack tomorrow… the last school day of the week for the kids and the day of their hunt on the levee. Did you hear that the Rainbow Chicken lays eggs on the levee for kids to find? Yup, it’s no lie!

A few months ago, teachers and students sent home a pleading request that we parents step up our snack offerings beyond the cheese & cracker rut. Based on a sample of pure convenience, I have discovered that this request gave all of us parents Snack Anxiety. It’s a formidable threat to our sanity.

Paul and I have dealt with this by making blueberry crepes (Paul did this — and at one point, lifting the top of the blender up without the base and spilling crepe batter all over himself with one of our favorite cookbooks going out as a causality). I’ve been going the D-I-Y route with snacks… cream cheese on muffins with veggies and fruit cut up to decorate (clown faces! ladybug picnic!)

Now the challenge was Spring Theme.

Tomorrow’s snack offering: plastic eggs filled with yogurt raisins (current preschool fave), dried cranberries, goldfish, and banana chips. This is for the morning egg hunt… 2 eggs per kid with extras for teachers. Afternoon? Cream cheese sandwiches cut in spring shapes. I meant to shave carrots and have them be cream cheese and carrot sandwiches… but I ran out of steam. Instead, they’ll get served with a bag of carrots.