Still Unsure

Going with Kindergarten:

— Will won’t be bored.
— He’ll be with kids the same age.
— He’ll do the summer program and will have had a little French already.
— We’ll be going with the way the system is structured, which we feel is sort of part of committing to the way the learning environment works.
— The kids will be spaced 3 years apart which gives them only one year of overlap in college (okay, that is really not in our considerations.)

— Will he be ready to sit at a desk and do math, science, homework, and the like in 18 months (1st grade is serious stuff)…?
— Will he be at a disadvantage without having the extra year of French before 1st grade?
— Are we cutting his childhood playtime short? Does he need more time to play?
— Is he still going to need a nap in 6 months?

Going with PreK

— One more year of playtime.
— Naptime continues one more year (Kindergarten-ers don’t have nap.)
— Two years of French immersion before 1st grade.
— If he continues with this grade progression, he’ll be “bigger” physically compared to his peers later, which I understand is a plus for athletics and social issues for boys?

— He’ll be the oldest in the class (I’m not sure if this is a pro or a con… but Will doesn’t do the alpha kid thing and I don’t see him being one to set the example… I see him more adopting whatever behavior seen in the other kids. This may not be a good thing.)
— He’ll be in class with 3-year olds who may be in very different places developmentally.
— He may be bored?

Thoughts/suggestions welcome!