
Now that our “bathroom” and “laundry” are located all over the house while we renovate, the kids are finding all sorts of new play toys.

Will likes bottles of shampoo and cleaning supplies.

Kate likes toothbrushes. Actually, she LOVES toothbrushes.

But it’s the scale that has really captured their imaginations. They could play with it for hours. It’s a complicated model in that you have to put slight weight on it and quickly remove the weight for the scale to take a few seconds to calibrate… THEN you can put your full-self on to get your weight. The two-step system takes a bit of time to get used to, but finally Will has figured out that he doesn’t weigh “E” and that he has to wait until he sees “0.0” before stepping on and getting an accurate read. Kate, on the other hand, is thrilled with whatever the scale displays. Mostly because she is standing on it just to copy whatever Will just did. The squeals of delight, gleeful dancing, and general happiness produced by this on-the-scale, off-the-scale game are mind boggling.

The side benefit is that we have good weights on the kids.

Will is 38.4 pounds. “Thirty-eight FOUR?!?” he says, as if those last four tenths of a pound amount to the weight of twelve kids. I’ve decided to try his strategy and must say that I like focusing on the tenths column much more than the rest. Score one for Little Man!

Kate, who officially turned 22 months on the 9th, is solidly 22 pounds. With a sweater, turtleneck, jeans, and shoes we can eek that weight up to 22.7 pounds, which is pretty respectable for a child who Goes To Eleven. It is nice when we can get the scale to read 22.7 for Kate, because Will reads it as “TWO TWO SEVEN!?!?” — with my brain finishing “is the place to be, with Marla Gibbs and her fam-i-ly” as if on perfect cue. I had such a soft spot for Florence.