It’s Official!

I’ve been holding my breath with excitement and finally today… it’s official! I’ve been hired to TA a short summer course in Peru! It gets better: only part of the job is to TA. The OTHER part of the job is that the Dean’s Office is hiring me as a photographer to document the trip for Tulane’s Global Health Magazine!

The course includes amazing speakers from a variety of areas; mostly focused on the role of environment in health. The first several days are in and around Lima; then approximately 4-5 days are spent in and around Iquitos, including 2 days floating down the Amazon. It’s still being determined what areas in the Andes we’ll visit. (La Oroya is the only location on the current itinerary.) This is the third year the course is being offered and the syllabus has been a little different each time.

Even better, Paul is going to come, too!! We’re beyond thrilled about the whole thing. Did I mention that I’m getting paid to do this?