We have gotten back to morning walks and took an extra-specially long and leisurely one Saturday morning. With such adventure!After the thrill of seeing a test streetcar back on the fixed trolley lines, we moseyed down to the waterside of Audubon Park where the ducks were gathered. A LOT of them. Squawking away at each other as if in attendance at a duck-society meeting.
We unleashed the kids on them just as this fellow (above) rode up with bags and bags of BREAD (he said it was leftover from his work last night) — big crusty bread. He threw some out and then gave the bags to the kids. Thank you!
It took a good half-hour for the Small Ones to unload the bread. Will had them eating out of his hand (sort of — see above). Kate had a more, well, Kate-method. She grabbed handfuls, ran in the middle of the ducks causing them to scatter in panic and then threw the bread — not really at them, more towards her feet — and then ran back to the bag to repeat the process.
Will helped her on the finer points of duck-feeding.
A few went to the water to drink after all the excitement. The kids thought this was great, although Will had a lot to say about the dangers of drinking green water. (“It’s not like Kool-Aid, right, Mommy?“)
Here’s Kate and the ducks.
It was shortly after this picture that we looked down the path and saw hundreds upon hundreds of people descending towards us… the American Cancer Society’s Breast Cancer Walk! It was Saturday morning! And we were right in the middle of it! (Now all the pink signs were making sense.) Paul walked in advance of the crowd, taking the kids up to the playground at St. Charles… I hung around for the photographic opportunities. (More on this, later.)
{ 2007 10 01 }
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