My husband, Jack Bauer

Although most of the neighborhood is in firm belief of it, Paul is actually not a spy. But close.

Still, he is a pretty in-demand guy. Remember that post about the mystique of The Wombat? Apparently, this is not too far from what actually happened (I picture some MacArthur-like General, a big stoogie in the corner of his mouth, bellowing out, “Who is this Wombat!? Get him up here!”) On Tuesday, his work called him up suddenly (Paul’s boss: “What do we have to do to get you here in the next 12 hours?” Paul’s answer: “Talk to my wife.“) So on Wednesday, Paul left in the wee hours of the morning to fly to DC. They offered to fly him back for the three-day holiday weekend. Instead, we opted for me to fly up with the kids and spend the weekend in Fredericksburg, Virginia, with his sister Amy, brother-in-law Kevin, our nephew Brayden, and Paul’s Mom (who was coming up from her home in North Carolina for the weekend.) The week started out normal; but ended up in a spontaneous family reunion 1000 miles from home.

Paul worked for most of our trip, but we still enjoyed the family time in Fredericksburg and a day on the National Mall taking in the some of the fabulous Smithsonian museums with friends Randy and Katherine. Pictures and details to follow.