“Godzilla is a really big alligator.”
“It is not time for bed. I am not going to bed right now BECAUSE.”
“Sometimes I’m 14, but really I’m 3 1/2.”
“If I drink my milk ALL UP, I get a treat.” (no, Will… you have to finish your peas and chicken first.) “NO MOMMY. Those are GREEN DROPS and SHARK BITES.”
“I didn’t paint at school today because I really needed just to run because.”
“Sometimes I don’t listen to my body fast enough and I have an accident. People have accidents sometimes.”
“Stories are very important.”
“Sometimes Katey doesn’t listen because she is a baby.”
{ 2007 08 28 }
Leigh C. | 29-Aug-07 at 4:55 am | Permalink
My son’s latest is, “Mommy, we need to move into another compartment house and turn this one into a studio.”
“Where are we going to live?”
“In New York.”
“Well, how are we going to go back and forth to the studio?”
The little guy gives us this “duh” look. “Well, we’ll just take the airplane…”
All because our house has been deemed too old by the kid.
God help us all…
Chris S. | 29-Aug-07 at 6:54 pm | Permalink
As least he’s not Miss Teen South Carolina, talking recently about how “U.S. Americans” can’t find America on a map because a lot of Americans don’t have maps, and so we need to make education better in “South Africa … and the Iraq.” “Such as.”
Cold Spaghetti | 30-Aug-07 at 9:53 pm | Permalink
Jeez, Crisco. Makes the whole “Yorktown” fiasco seem quite mild, doesn’t it? Genius, even, when you consider I too spent 5 years in the South Carolina educational system.