C is for Anniversary!

The Story of How Will Shows Love on a Special Anniversary

Scene: Our kitchen, this morning.

Me: “Will, today is Aunt Emily and Uncle Skip’s wedding anniversary.”
Will: “Annanursery?”
Me: “Yes, wedding anniversary. Do you remember their wedding?”
Will: (nodding with a face that showed he had no idea what I was talking about) “uh-huh.”
Me: “Can you paint them a picture for their anniversary?”
Will: “What kind of picture?” (thinks) “How ’bout a BEACH picture?” (Will is obsessed with the idea that we are going to the beach with them in August. He announces every morning that TODAY is the day we are going to the beach.)
Me: “A beach picture would be great.”

Minutes later.

Will: “But Mommy, why is anna-anna-anna..”
Me: “Anniversary?”
Will: “Why annanursery at the beach? What is it?”
Me: “It’s a celebration of marriage. You give presents.”
Will: (clearly perked up) “Presents for the beach?”
Me: “Sure. Actually, cotton is the traditional present for second anniversaries. Maybe you could draw something with cotton on the beach… like a beach towel.”
Will: “Ohhh!” (an idea!) “I could SHARE my SPIDERMAN BEACH TOWEL with them at the BEACH for the annanursery!!!”

Whoa. Aunt Emily and Uncle Skip, you may not realize it, but Will has just expressed the ultimate in anniversary gifts: sharing his Spiderman beach towel. Happy Anniversary!(Will, looking dapper at Skip and Emily’s dress rehearsal, two years ago.)