July 2007

Playing with Daddy

I love Kate’s Baby Pebbles look, but after she ripped the hair band out of her hair, stuffed it in her mouth, and gagged on it, I think the look is not one we’ll repeat.


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Will reads to Kate

“Come here, Katey. I want to read you Elmo,” says Will as he pulls Kate to the couch.

The cuteness lasted approximately 3 1/3 minutes. I know because I timed it. Kate decided it was over when Will went to hugging her and giving her tummy raspberries.


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Birds Weekend

My girlfriends from college, “The Birds,” flew down this weekend for a Birds Weekend. I’m still too tired to say much, other than we had a fabulous time, fell in love with The Bead Shop (can I retire now and just make jewelry?), and ate LOTS of excellent food. We squeezed in a “lil’ shower” for Steph (who is having a girl — our newest bird — in October) over girls brunch and visited some of our favorite haunts (Oak Street Cafe, La Divina, Jacque-Imos, etc.)

A pictorial representation of the weekend is below.


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Another reason my kids are spoiled

Because their Aunt Julie LOVES them! She is here from Chicago… having fun with me by day and loving up our kids at night (and in the wee hours of the morning).Feeding Kate gelato. For the record, if you try to share any flavor with Kate that isn’t chocolate, she spits it out.Bouncing down Magazine Street with Will.


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Caladium Holes

Wednesday morning: woke to find holes in the front garden where caladium once had been. Damn garden theft! It presented a good excuse to get some work done out in front. $30, 15 mosquito bites, and one cleaned up porch later, and the front yard had a face lift.

Inside got cleaned up, too. All ready for the influx!!


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Another Season, Another Reason, for Eatin’ Yogurt


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Into the Eyes of the Banana-Eater


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Give it up for Gwen!

My friend Gwen rocked the world last Friday when she delivered baby Wesley, at home, in her bathroom, IN THREE PUSHES. For those not familiar with the whole birth thing, this is sort of like saying you just ran a marathon (an appropriate analogy for labor and delivery), but you did it in under 3 hours. In other words, you were showing some serious strength. And did I mention that he was NINE pounds? Nine pounds and 19 1/2 inches, like a round pumpkin. (Three pushes!)

So give it up for Gwen, Wonder Woman and Mama all wrapped into one! You can read her story of Wesley’s birth here. Hooray!


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Hey, Mom! Take a picture of me!

So says The Little Man last night. He had a slight case of the sillies.


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You tell me. Am I crazy?

The pictures below are from late last week (Friday night). It was an average night… Paul changing lightbulbs and the kids playing. The pictures weren’t taken for any kind of artistic quality, but to document the appearance of Kate’s body. (We thought it would be easier for us to notice change if we could look for changes in photographs.) We already think that she looks ‘thicker’ — but neither of us are sure if it’s wishful thinking on our parts or not. Her teachers are doing a great job of keeping track of her eating, so I can be confident that she is still eating well beyond her daily requirements.

Take a look and see what you think. If this were your child, would you be concerned about her?


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