During our trip to Pennsylvania, we drove out to the Lancaster area to the City of Strasburg to visit the Strasburg Railroad. Paul is pretty sure that as beautiful and quaint as it is, the railroad and surrounding hoop-la is sort of like the Pennsylvania Dutch‘s version of South of the Border.All that aside, we were out with the masses to see Thomas. He comes to Strasburg (and maybe a station near you) a few times a year. He here is, coming into the station below!
Extra excitement: thanks to the presence and willingness of my Dad, there are actually photos which feature ALL FOUR of us in the same frame. Amazing.
Even more excitement: I had warmed up to the friendly conductor and gotten permission to stand on the platform for pictures while Thomas pulled up. Apparently, this upset someone who yelled at my Dad while he took the pictures above. We missed Dad turning to tell the guy “bite me.” And I thought I got my edge from my Mom.
That’s us from inside one of the railcars!
Inside the car ahead…
The kids LOVED looking down the line and waving at everything and nothing.
Beautiful countryside, complete with horse and buggy. There were horse and buggy parking spots throughout town.
Friendly conductor.
Kate, our entertainment.
After riding Thomas, we took a break and strolled around the train yard. Then rode one of Straburg’s regular trains. The deal is that you get pulled out of the yard and through the countryside… then the engine unhitches, chugs to the front, and pulls you back in. In the picture below, you can see the engine pulling out.
Will loved all the cows in the fields. He worked very hard to talk to them, calling “MMOOOOO!!” as loud as possible.
The corn in the maze was about knee high — low enough to see the patterns of the maze from our views in the train.
My Uncle Gus went along for the day — it was great to share all of this with him! He was quite a trooper to handle it all… heat, people, and kids… with a smile!
My Dad playing with Will.
Will rides one of the cars around the kids’ track. He LOVED this.
{ 2007 06 24 }
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