From Will’s Dictionary:
Burpted. (v.) To make loud belching sound from mouth. Example given: “Mommy, Oscar burp-ted. And he didn’t say ‘excuse me.’ Because he’s a grouch.”
Cafe. (n.) Rhymes with ‘safe.’ The cloth superheros wear around their necks. Example given: “Mommy, please tie my doggie blanket up on my neck because I need a cafe.”
Dive. (v.) The point at which something living, stops living. Somewhat heart-wrenching example given: “Mommy, why did Manx have to dive?” Less heart-wrenching example given: “If you pull the tree out of the dirt and leave it in the air, swoosh swoosh up on the side, it will dive.”
Chairs. (v, used as in salutations.) What you exclaim as you clink together glasses at the end of a toast. Example given: “Raise your glass! And…. CHAIRS!”
From Will’s Encyclopedia:
On mudpies: “You make mudpies with mud. And water. But mud goes first. Then the water. And sometimes it bubbles up! Like pop….pop…pop!”
On swim lessons: “Sometimes you dive to the bottom and you get water in your mouth. It makes me cough a lot.”
On outer space: “Outer space has a sun in it and it’s shining sometimes. Astronauts float with a… with a…. with a string and it’s hard to walk in outer space. Only astronauts can walk on outer space.”
On rocket boosters: “Rocket boosters land in the water and a pirate ship will rescue it and fix it and it will blast off again.”
On seat belts: “There are no seat belts on trains.” (pause) “Are there seat belts on trains? But rockets have seat belts, too. Rockets have seat belts like cars.”
Head Kook | 14-Jun-07 at 8:17 am | Permalink
Priceless! Forget Kindergarten… Will’s ready for rocket science!! 🙂