These are a few of my favorites from City Park last week, in black and white (click for a larger view). I’d be curious for reactions and thoughts…?
{ 2007 04 09 }
Thaw before reheating.
{ 2007 04 09 }
These are a few of my favorites from City Park last week, in black and white (click for a larger view). I’d be curious for reactions and thoughts…?
Posted by holly on Monday, April 9th, 2007, at 8:48 pm, and filed under Uncategorized.
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Regular dishes on life in New Orleans, historic home renovation, raising kids, completing a PhD, travel near and far, global concerns, and health issues.
You know the story, right? International health... work all over the place... drag my kids around in sacks through villages in Central America... yadda yadda. I decided to go for another degree, so in 2004 we moved to New Orleans with no intention of staying. Then Katrina. And then *blink*blink* New Orleans is a completely different place and we just can't leave. Suddenly I'm on TV talking about immigrants and health and Paul is starting a company. Or two. His side is high-tech, mine is community health and our lives are yearly evacuation, regular celebrations, and nonstop work here, there, and everywhere. Our door is always open. I only ask that if you decide to go ahead and make yourself that mint julep, you make one for me, too.
We strive to make our life our argument.
Anonymous | 10-Apr-07 at 8:38 pm | Permalink
my take on black and white photos…. there is something about them that is special but it takes the right picture to make it majical. the first two pictures in this series are perfect black and white photos…. close-ups with great facial expressions, pictures with amazing black-white contrast. the second two in the series, i agree with you…. they are much better in color.
Holly | 10-Apr-07 at 8:54 pm | Permalink
Thanks for your insight and thoughts!
I’m beginning to wonder if I prefer black and white with photographs that capture something of spacial interest… architectural detail, strong contrasts, etc. In terms of people… I just feel like something is missing?
As for the ones here, I think the first two are okay — filters would have enhanced the contrast and made a better picture. This is a good topic to pick a photographer’s brain over… the finer points of black and white photography!
Kak | 11-Apr-07 at 6:19 am | Permalink
I think I would pick the first one (definitely) and the last one (maybe soomed in a bit more though). It’s so hard. The color pics are so good as well. I do think B&W photos are greatly enhanced when grouped in frames together. If you took a bunch of them, put them on the wall, you may feel differently about them. There is always that bit of nostalgia when looking at a B&W collage for me.