Our Day Off

Abeona’s power outage meant that we, or at least me, were going to be doing some rescheduling today. My lit review progress fell yet-another day behind (but this is OKAY, I assure myself) and Paul joined in when he could to enjoy the beautiful day. A winter storm meant that the DC area was moving slowly, so he was able to have a bit more of a relaxed workday.
Will and I planted seeds (basil, chives, parsley, zinnia, verbena) to germinate in little greenhouses. He is watching seeds grow (“beanstalks!”) at school so I thought we’d do a similar side project at home. We planted the extra seeds in the backyard — hopefully, they’ll do okay there as well!
Paul rocked our Babycakes to sleep. She is struggling with tooth number #2, which has been trying to break through for the past 3 days.
After our gardening, Will and I found an interesting bug to observe. Little man needed his ‘noculars to get in close.
The weather was in the low 80s, but with low humidity (unheard of in these parts!) and the day was exquisite. It felt very funny to bring those little greenhouses inside tonight to prepare for our chilly night (possible frost?) and cold tomorrow (the high may not reach 50!)