On Monday, Kate had her 9-month wellness check with Dr. Milvid. Her stats:
Height – 26 1/2 inches (25%)
Weight – 17 lbs, 6 oz (25%)
HC – 44 1/2 cm (50-75%)
We reported Kate’s two merging skills: walking and talking. Dr. Milvid, who had predicted these things in Kate early on, commiserated with our challenge and gave due props to our “ahead of it all” daughter.Kate’s words: Ma-ma, Da-da, Uh-ho! (and other babbles that sometimes seem to have meaning, but sometimes not)
Kate’s walking: is coming along at a frightening pace. February 9th: Kate turns 9 months. She takes her first step, 2 of them.
February 10th: Kate rests.
February 11th: Kate is 9 months, 2 days old. She takes 1 more step.
February 12th: Kate is 9 months, 3 days old. She takes 2 steps in the morning, and 1 more step on 2 occasions in the afternoon.
February 13th: Kate is 9 months, 4 days old. We officially lose count of her steps sometime after lunch. She takes at least 10 steps in 1-3 step intervals throughout the day.
(predicted) February 14th: I consider a hair appointment to more closely examine the gray hairs that I feel certain are sprouting out of my head this instant.NOTE: Fuzzy photos are what you get when you don’t change the batteries in your flash. I realized when the shutter was taking forever to take these pictures that the flash wasn’t charging to fire. Details!
Amy Lee | 17-Feb-07 at 1:38 pm | Permalink
I haven’t had a chance to update Lil’ Racer, but let Kate know she is no logger holds the “Chubby” title in the family. Her cousin weighed yesterday at 19 lbs 11 oz – AT HIS SIX-MONTH WELLNESS EXAM. I wonder how long before he overtakes Will on the charts?!?! 🙂 Aunt Amy
Holly | 21-Feb-07 at 1:37 pm | Permalink
I think Brayden earned the Chub Award somewhere in his first week. Will was about 34 pounds… but is probably down to 32 or so after this bout of illness… poor fella.
With the amount of calories both kids burn each day running around, it’s a real challenge to make sure either of them gain anything at all!