Kate was less than 24 hours into her 8th month when her teacher, Miss Gladys, greeted me with this expression when I went to pick her up: “Miss Holly! Let me TELL you about YOUR DAUGHTER.” This is generally a conversation that does not introduce a discussion of a child’s glowing behavior.As I understand it, Kate has developed some interesting past-times at school that present challenges to her dear teachers. For example, she likes to climb on the cribs of her sleeping classmates and poke them awake. She also is determined to roll off the changing pad. One of the other teachers overheard Miss Gladys changing Kate:
“Kate, where are you going? You’re going to hurt yourself rolling around like that.”
“KATE. Now be still.”
“Ohhhh my goodness, WHAT IS THAT FACE? I can’t believe you are giving me that face!”
(in enters another teacher): “Gladys, can I help..? OH MY GOODNESS, Kate! What IS that face?!”
“I know! Have you ever SEEN a baby give you that kind of face?!!”I apologized for Kate and her face. I know it well. With it, she very clearly explains that she is Ready. To. Go. and how DARE any of us try to keep her in one place when it is obvious that she is WORKING HARD on something VERY IMPORTANT. Lucky for me, the teachers have seen Kate in her element and know that I am not to be blamed for having such an energetic, rough-and-tough, confident, and ready-for-the-world baby girl.
I am to be pitied; they know I am done for.
In the past week, Kate has not slept for more than 15 consecutive minutes. I know this because in the past week, I have not slept for more than 15 consecutive minutes. On a good day, it takes a Herculean effort to get her to sleep (luckily, I’ve had 3+ years of practice with Will). This past week, it’s taken a Herculean effort plus drugs. Better living through chemicals — thank you Motrin! While lubing up her sore chops with Ambisol this morning, I noticed the sharp, rough bumps of a tooth just starting to poke through. Her first tooth. It is the lower middle tooth on the left. I can only barely make it out, although she hasn’t been keen on a full exam for me to get a really good look. The excitement is bittersweet; I miss the baby she leaves behind.
One thing about the tooth: it explains the popularity of her ‘where’s my dentures?’ face.
Kate loves to explore our kitchen. With Will, nothing was baby-proofed. No outlets covered. No cupboards locked. We did have a few baby gates to limit his exploration to rooms of the house without powertools and nails on the floor, but that was about it. Nothing has changed — although it better start changing soon (note picture below). Kate doesn’t quite seem cognitively ready for the level of curiosity and ability she possesses.
(Don’t worry. No baby was hurt in the taking of this picture.)
shokufeh | 16-Jan-07 at 10:06 pm | Permalink
Fifteen minutes at a time! And a strong willed baby! You have my sincerest sympathies.
I love that “dentureless” expression. Hilarious.
Amy Lee | 17-Jan-07 at 8:09 am | Permalink
I’m curious as to when you and Paul cut your first teeth. Nana Nancy pulled out my baby book and, sure enough, Brayden cut his first two teeth at almost the exact time I did (4 months) – that’s about the only gene the boy got from me! He’s working on the top two now. Fortunately for us, the teething process in him has induced sleep. He’s back to almost two hour naps during the day, but does get up twice a night still to nurse. Although we never anticipated this, we’ve found co-sleeping gets ALL OF US more sleep – I couldn’t imagine it any other way now! Amy Lee