So much has been going on that I’ve missed updates on the mundane, yet so interesting when looking in retrospect, moments of our home life.THE BINKY…
… is gone. Back in November, Will’s primary source of soothing developed a small tear at the tip. Paul encouraged the plastic to spread a bit more, changing the suction effect. Right away, Will lost interest in the wounded Bink. So, when he asked for a binky we could give it to him, making him “choose” that he didn’t want to use it. For the sake of documenting what really happened, I should add that this was a seriously controversial affair. The start of the ear-infection, antibiotic, diarrhea, swollen-member mess were big complications. The miserable guy was left with a binky that didn’t quite give the right relief while he was dealing with so much discomfort. Feeling in the middle of a battle, I encouraged cuddles and helped him to quickly transition to other means of comfort (a blue blanket.)
… happened overnight. All that stuff about when they are ready, it will happen overnight? IT WAS EXACTLY RIGHT. While we have accidents every once in awhile, Will is basically potty trained. He has had a few days when he asked for pull-ups, not underwear (interestingly, these tend to fall on weekend days) and we’ve just let him be in control over that choice. In our experience, using success as a reward in itself was definitely the way to go. We sort of introduced a sticker chart leading to a special treat, but honestly, his excitement over succeeding by himself was all that was necessary. I don’t think we’ll be moving on to nighttime underwear for awhile, though. This still scares us quite a bit.
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