Abeona held a Winter Formal today — complete with all the kids dressed up and me as the photographer. I only took one picture of Will, who was my test kid during set-up. Kate went next, while we were still working out some details. Bottom line: I took some great photos that will go towards a school fundraiser (parents buy prints with a percentage going to the school). It was a LOT of fun and there are several pictures I’m very proud of! Paul was a super-wonderful assistant and held my gold reflector (another early Christmas gift!) to great effect. We realized about half-way through the kids that bouncing the flash off the reflector was best. (Neither of these photos show it!)I really wanted to reduce the aperature to soften the back — but for some reason, could NOT getting the setting right. When I reduced the f/stop, the photos flashed out everything… I have no idea why. There wasn’t time to tinker with it and since that it one of the things I really need a test subject to work with, it’s a hard thing to figure out. (At least for me!) I’m going to have to con someone to be my guinea pig over the holidays and figure this out…
{ 2006 12 22 }
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