
— Two Saturday afternoon teaching sessions of “Biostats & Epid 101: The Very Basics” for the handful of students without prior coursework. Why those classes aren’t pre-reqs I have no idea!

— A part-time freelance writing gig. Writing text book assignments for a technical writing course. Pay is okay, not enough for a career change but twice the slave-labor rate of being a teaching assistant.

— Mr. Strongbad, our household spider, is perhaps Mrs. Strongbad. Baby Strongbad has made a web right in front of Mommy or Daddy. Teeny-weeny-itty-bitty crab-like spider!

— Two guest lectures this week for INHL 712: Measurement and Evaluation of Maternal and Child Health Programs in Developing Countries. I’m lecturing on newborn health and developing/measuring indicators for newborn health programs.

— In-home translation during home-nurse visits for a spanish-speaking mother of twin preemies. She and her husband are desperate for english classes… I’m contemplating giving free weekly lessons, if I can figure out when.

— Twice weekly volunteer sessions at Abeona. The Reggio-Emilia philosophy (with which I agree) calls for parental volunteerism. Personally, I think that parental involvement should be a precursor for being at Abeona, but maybe that’s something to work towards as the school continues to define itself.