Not my best work

Since birth, Kate’s hair has only grown on the front of her head and over her ears. The hair in the back is pretty much the same as the day she was born. But the hair in front and over her ears have been on the job. The poor thing got my hair genes… her hair grows directly, do-not-pass-go, do-not-collect-$200, straight into her eyes.

A few days ago, we received two wonderful packages in the mail. One was from my Aunt and Uncle, who had sent Halloween treats to the kids, including homemade super-cute no-slippy hair clippies for Kate. The other was a holiday package from Paul’s Mom, which included a hair band for Kate.

It was perfectly fitting that these arrived when they did. Because the night before their arrival, I finally got around to cutting Kate’s bangs out of her eyes.

Because she is our squirmy-wormy, I waited until she was asleep. Not my best work. Pretty awful actually.