Louse Update

1. The Pediculus were a false alarm. No child in Will’s class had them. (There was a scare with an older sybling, but it was caught early and treated by a very concerned and proactive parent and did not spread.)
2. Will does not and did not have any bugs in his hair.
3. Even though we are quite clear on this fact, Will is now completely onboard with “washing buggies out of his hair” and shampoo’ed his head four times in tonight’s shower.

Things I’ve learned:
1. I over reacted. Understandable, but still, an over-reaction.
2. Next time, I’m trying the Whole Foods and homeopathic remedies first.
3. Lice isn’t as big a deal as I thought and I will probably have to deal with it in my house at least once as my kids get older.

is a really great study regarding head lice; it helped me to take a step back and think.