My kids have two Moms

In addition to being our bread-winner, home-fixer, computer-repairer, personal juggler, AND Daddy, Paul has added “Mom” to the things he can do.

While Paul was with both kids (wearing one, chasing the other)in the playground, which he kindly did to allow me a little bit of work time, my committee chair called and offered to meet. This is a Really Important Opportunity since he is leaving the country for two months starting the first week of November and the funding deadline for Wenner-Gren is November 1st. So I called Paul, he came running home, I got Kate down for a nap, promised Paul to be home by around 6, and fled out the door.

And of course the meeting went long. And of course I forgot to call.

But, Paul recovered. Managing fussy Kate (who woke up with her tummy in a tizzy), crazy Will, and tacos on the stove, Paul became Mom. I got home to a yummy, healthy dinner on the table and two kids happy to see me. Hooray for Mom!